The interested and eligible candidates can apply to this AAI recruitment 2013 for Junior Assistants on before 15/10/2013. The Applicants should have to send their filled application form in official site, demand draft, two new passport type photos, relevant documents enclosed in envelope and super scribed as “Application for the post of Junior Assistant (Fire Service) to the address as mentioned in below job details.
Education Qualification: Candidates should pass SSC with three years diploma in Mechanical/Automobile/Fire with minimum 50% marks or Inter with 50% marks having heavy vehicle driving License
Salary Details: From Rs.12500/- to Rs.28500/-
Application Fee: Applicants should pay Rs.400/- demand draft in the favor of “Airport Authority of India” and payable at Delhi.
Selection Process: Written Test, Physical Measurement, Driving Test, Endurance Test and Interview
Number of Posts: 100
Age Limit: Candidates should have age not exceed 30 years as on 15/10/2013
How to apply for this aai recruitment 2013: Interested and capable aspirants directly send the filled application form, demand draft, two new photographs and relevant copies of certificates of qualification etc. enclosed in an envelope super scribed with “Application for the post of Junior Assistant (Fire Service)” to the address of
The Regional Executive Director, Airport Authority of India, Northern Region, Operational Office, Rangpuri, Gurgaon Road, New Delhi-110037 on or before 15/10/2013
Click Here For More Job Details and Application Form:
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